3rd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Engineering (ICEEM-2023)
Fault Diagnosis in Dynamic Systems Using Distributed Neural Networks
Paper ID : 1013-ICEEM2023 (R4)
rania atef elhag *1, mohamed ahmed fkirin2
1Professor Industrial and control Engineering Department Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menofia University, Egypt
2control Engineering Department Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menofia University, Egypt
This paper presents a novel approach for Fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) using distributed Neural Networks (DNN) to enhance system performance. FDD plays an important role in industrial applications, to guarantee system performance by detecting and analyzing faults to prevent system failures. Various approaches have been adopted for FDD, among which Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown promising results. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), a key AI approach, are extensively utilized nowadays in FDD to monitor system efficiency. This paper introduces a DNN approach that determines the model structure and estimates the results using the Back Propagation (BP) Algorithm. The DNN where used in this work not only to identify multiple faults for DC motors (e.g., broken bar, dynamic strangeness… etc.), but also to determine the fault type and location within a distributed drive network. Several tests DC motor faults were conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach. The results revealed a significant improvement in system performance using the proposed approach compared to the multilayer perceptron (MLP) method. The proposed approach enhanced the system stability and performance by reducing faults to 98% from the default value.
Fault Detection, Fault Isolation, Fault Identification, Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD), Distributed Neural Networks (DNN), DC Motor.
Status : Paper Accepted